If you’re okay sharing a mediocre and compromised relationship with your partner, then this message isn’t for you.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to create more love, a deeper connection and more tenderness in your relationship, I invite you to watch today’s video.

I’ve declared February as the month of love and today’s video is all about strengthening and growing your relationship.

Not putting attention on your relationship leads to an undercurrent of toleration and eventually boredom and emotional separation that can easily lead to frustration, depression and physical separation.

Imagine what it would be like to rekindle that desire, passion and love you once had for each other.

To make 2016 the year of deeper love and connection, you must be willing to have a conversation with your relationship. Yes, you heard me correctly.

Your relationship is separate from either you or your partner. And your relationship has a lot to say to both of you about its health, its well-being and what it needs from you both now…before it’s too late.

I made this short video on my beach walk this morning. In it, I show you how to have this very important conversation that will call your relationship forth with loving compassion and deep connection.

In the video, the wind is a little distracting…but hang in there because this information is SO IMPORTANT. It can and will change your life!

In this short video I share exactly what Larry and I did a few years ago to give our relationship a huge reboot, and because of it we are closer than ever today.



Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!

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