Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!Sand trackWhat are your dreams, wishes and hopes for 2013?

Do you desire new romance, more money or a better job? Will you make these happen this year?

Most of us begin the New Year setting goals and resolutions hoping to succeed. Most of us will fail … again.

It all comes down to what you truly believe.

Your beliefs create your thoughts.
Your thoughts create your emotions.
Your emotions create your energy.
Your energy attracts similar energy.
That is the law of attraction.
This means what you believe, you attract into your life.

This really changes the saying “I’ll believe it when I see it.” In fact, what’s true is“You’ll see it when you believe it.”

Your beliefs and emotions, conscious or subconscious create what you receive in your life.

Are you aware of what you believe? Do you believe life is hard or easy? Do you worry or trust? Do you believe there is enough to go around or do you believe you better take “it” while you can because there’s only so much? Do you believe the world is friendly or scary? Do you believe you’re not (smart, pretty, sexy …) enough?

Whatever you believe creates what you get in life.

So why do you believe what you believe?

Your beliefs have been modelled for you since you were small. A few of the ways we have created our beliefs are by our parents, teachers, media and other experiences growing up.

Over the years these beliefs have become automatic responses or habits.Most of the time you are not even aware of them. You actually think they are true or real. But they are not true or real. They are just automatic.

A few examples of this might be:

  • You were modelled by your parents that money is evil and rich people are greedy. Today, you have difficultly with money.
  • At a young age your father left your family and today you have a subconscious fear of abandonment. You know your relationships could be better. You (subconsciously) take care of others so they will take care of you, leaving you feeling unappreciated and empty.
  • You were made fun of, judged or excluded at school. Today, social situations continue to be uncomfortable as you (subconsciously) believe you won’t be included/liked or judged.

How do you adopt new beliefs? The first step is to recognize where you are stuck in your life and the beliefs that are keeping you stuck there. Just notice. The second step is to acknowledge the impact this belief has on you today.

Once you become intimate with the belief, you can see how it is not really true. From here you can dismantle and heal the belief and create a new, more empowering belief.

That’s when your life begins to change.

If you want a different reality in 2013, you must first recognize your limiting beliefs that are holding you back so you can replace them with more empowering beliefs that will propel you forward in 2013.

For lasting change, you must do it from the inside out.

Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!

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