The end of the year is just around the corner.

  • What do you want in 2009?
  • Will it be a year of new relationship and love?
  • Is it time to turn up the volume of your prosperity? Are you ready for a year of adventure?
  • Could you be considering a big move, from where you live or work?
  • Is healthy living your big goal for the coming year?

Whatever your goals and dreams of 2009 may be, the first step to new beginnings is clearing your slate of all unfinished business so you can move forward! It is critical to create space to make room for the new. Tending to your unresolved issues, relationships and projects, you can step onto a clean canvas to create and attract what you really desire. When you have unfinished business hanging in the back of your mind, it’s like having a parasite sucking the life out of you.

Today, a client shared with me her dream of moving to another country in 2009. She also said there may be a possible reason from her past holding her back. She was too afraid to find out the truth in fear that she wouldn’t be able to go. It was keeping her stuck like a deer in headlights, afraid to move forward. After a few minutes of coaching, she could see that digging in and looking into the truth of this situation allowed her to either step boldly forward or stop and look at other options.

Take Action Now! Identify your unfinished business.

  1. What goals did you set for yourself this year that have not been achieved? Are these still important to you? If so, when can you complete them? If not, let them go.
  2. What relationships need addressing? Is there someone whom you have been meaning to connect with or apologize to? Is there a relationship not serving you anymore that you want to let go of? Remember that it is important to let go of the old to make room for the new.
  3. Do you have projects still half completed? Get them done, give them away or toss them out.
  4. Are there phone calls, letters, emails or other communication that needs addressing? What do you need to know? Who do you need to talk to? Do it today.
  5. What clutter is taking up your space? Is it in your closet or your office, in your kitchen cabinets or your garage? Get rid of it before you bring in the New Year.

Take action!
This week make time to take inventory.
What has been hanging over your head? Get rid of these energy suckers and make space for some real magic to enter and begin!

ps. Since so many of you wrote about how you enjoyed the video at the end of my last newsletter, I wanted to offer you another beautiful moment. Click here for more lovely photos, words and music.

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